National Campaigns

My aim is to reply to all correspondence from constituents in a timely manner.  When I receive duplicate emails in response to national campaigns, I will ensure that my reply letter is available for all to view on this website.      


Plastic Pollution - My Response to Constituents

Thank you to constituents that have contacted me about plastic pollution.  The Resources and Waste Strategy for England sets out the Government’s plans to reduce, reuse, and recycle more plastic and Ministers have committed to work towards all plastic packaging on the market being recyclable or r

Keeping Retail Workers Safe - My Response to Constituents

Many constituents have contacted me about keeping retail workers safe.  I know that the Government legislated to introduce a statutory aggravating factor for assault against any public facing worker via section 156 of the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Act 2022.

Post Office (Horizon System) Compensation Bill Explained

Thank you to constituents who have contacted me about the Post Office Horizon Scandal as a result of the recently televised 'Mr Bates vs The Post Office' programme.  The government has introduced the Post Office (Horizon System) Compensation Bill to the House of Commons to ensure that the trailbl

International Health Regulations Explained

Thank you to constituents who have contacted me about the proposed changes to the International Health Regulations.  The International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) are a key part of the global health security system to prevent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to t